Vendors: Tagina
The history of Tagina is a story of a journey started in 1973 and originated from the collection of a precious heritage of the ancient manufacturing school of Gualdo Tadino.The heritage of the past,the anchorage to the tradition,the loyalty to the quality and the warmth of a handmade manufacture haven't been limits for the projection of the company towards the future but have represented solid basis on which prepare and plan the market and customer approach,with the ambition to pursue the beauty and the elegance of an art that comes from the past.
One of Tagina's elements of high distinction, in the panorama of ceramic sector companies, is the presence of an internal research laboratory with a team of technicians, chemists and painters constantly busy in the planning, research and testing of new ceramic projects. The production process combines the artisan skill with the entrepreneurial spirit and the industrial organization to obtain a product with a high technological content, realized with a keen artisan hand to create an exclusive result with a high technical-artistic level.
In the very ancient shaping and casting technique, the idea takes shape with the care and technical ability of an expert artisan. From the first model roughcasted with art, with a laborious and patient process, we obtain a shaped plaster mould. That model reaches a particular artistic value, by which Tagina's collections gallery is rich. The "barbottina" or casting slip with fluid clays is casted in inside the mould, which inner walls absorb the water and allows the clay to stratify. After some hours,emptied the residues, the mould finally returns back the formed object. The careful use of the sponge finish completes the relief handmade. With the care requested to realize a piece of work destinated to be timeless, are moulded the most complicated special pieces and incomparable relief decoration, that confers to Tagina's decors a unique value in the panorama of industrial ceramics.