Registration formAttention! HARDWARE ID is unique and tied to your computer! Therefore, please register the program on that PC where you will work with the program. HARDWARE ID can change if you change or upgrade your PC. Due to the above mentioned reasons you serial key could be replaced twice. If you need to replace a serial key more than twice, you should buy an additional workstation license. 1. Fill in the registration form2. Enter registration information
- Start the program, go to menu "Help" → "Registration";
- Copy the registration name from the email (select it and press Ctrl+C) and paste it into the corresponding field of the registration form;
- Copy the registration key from the e-mail (the key should have no gaps) and paste it into the corresponding field of the registration form
- Click "ОК";
- If the registration was successful, you will see the following message:

if you go to "Help" → "About Tile3D", in the bottom part of the appeared window you should see "Registered to..." and your registration name;
- If the registration was unsuccessful, you will see the following message:
This could happen due to one of the following reasons:
- You are trying to register the wrong program version. Please make sure that you are trying to register the same version that you have purchased. Moreover, you should specify the right program version in the registration request.
- At the time of registration your HARDWARE ID is not the same as the HARDWARE ID that was specified in the registration request. Restart your computer, run the program and make sure that the HARDWARE ID hasn't changed. This HARDWARE ID should be sent in the request.
- You have not enough rights to create a file with the key. In this case it is recommended to install and run the program as an administrator (for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10). Or after installing the program you can run the program as an administrator by default. In order to that, you should right-click the program's shortcut and select PROPERTIES. In application properties window, go to COMPATIBILITY tab, and check the option "Run this program as an administrator" in Privilege Level section. Then click Apply and OK to save the change.
- You have copied the key not completely or incorrectly. Not all browsers display the letter content correctly. Please copy the key from the message more carefully using the keyboard (Shift + "Arrow").
- Microsoft Outlook sometimes displays the key incorrectly. Please do not use this application to receive and copy the key.
If you still can’t register the program using the key that we sent you please contact us at info@tile3d.com.